Are supplements a waste of time and money? In this episode, Shawn Wells and Joe discuss whether taking supplements every day is bad for your health, and Joe shares the one time a supplement caused his liver enzymes to spike (it’s not what you’d expect!).
Shawn talks about the problem with certain supplement companies and lets you in on important things to look out for when choosing a supplement. They talk about all kinds of supplements, including lipoic acid, dihydroberberine, paraxanthine, ergothioneine, NAD, and more, discussing their effects, dosages, and how they work in the body.
Shawn and Joe also discuss the importance of optimal mitochondria function and why you should pay attention to it, and Shawn shares his ultimate mitochondrial supplement stack.
Shawn Wells, MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN, is the world’s leading nutrition biochemist and an expert on health optimization. He’s formulated over 700 supplements, foods, and beverages, and is the author of The Energy Formula.
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